My resume

Lauri Annala

Sofware Developer, M.C.S student


I work at MyLab Oy.

Specialized in

Software design and architecture.


Functional programming with erlang and elixir. Efficient system development with c++ and rust. Improving my workflows with unix-tools such as vim, emacs, tmux and zsh. Making friends at work and having mostly productive, yet always fun pair-coding sessions. When I code by myself, I listen to dark ambient or snes soundtracks as background music.

I love:

Work experience

Software Specialist - Mylab Oy

Jan 2023 - present

Product development, Web UI development using React and Typescript. Server-side development with Intersystems Objectscript.

Developer/consultant - Erlang Solutions

May 2022 - Jan 2023

Software Designer - Solita

May 2018 - May 2022

Full Stack Developer - Suomen Kaukokiito Oy

Jan 2017 - May 2018

Sofware Engineer - Basware

May 2016 - Dec 2016


Tampere University - Master’s degree, Computer Science

September 2021 - present (ongoing)

Tampere University of Applied Sciences - Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Software Engineering


Communication skills

Competent in sharing and seeking knowledge, along with ability to provide consistent documentation.


Computer skills

I’m experienced with multiple programming languages, mainly elixir/erlang/otp, c#, c++ and javascript. I’m familiar with functional programming and design patterns. I’m also fluent with object-oriented programming. I have good knowledge and experience with both relational and nosql databases.

My preferred development environment is unix-based machine with vim, emacs, tmux and zsh. I know my way around IDEs such as visual studio and intellij idea. I will not tremble in fear if I’m suddenly dropped in a remote bash shell.

I’m passionate about code and I learn new languages and codebases fast.

Important skill keywords
